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Feeling prickly...

Feeling prickly, being struck by the fact that we must defend the heck out of our rights as human beings to live in a world that embraces healthy practices such as organic farming, stewardship of resources, clean air, clean water, etc... Struck by the fact that there exists a long standing debate over the blatant catastrophic damages that pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides have on the earth's ecosystems and living organism biology. What is there even to debate about? How can the connection between toxic chemicals and cellular damage be any clearer? Regardless of what drug companies and their special interests report, there is a myriad of common sense, indigenous wisdom and scientific research that supports community policies and actions that preserve the health of living systems. Also struck by the idea that one can feel ostracized for speaking about healthier choices and solutions to the widespread contamination of the food supply (wildlife's and human's)

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